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4.8 ( 9728 ratings )
Biznes Zakupy
Desenvolvedor: Alpine Collective Enterprises, LLC

Quickly and easily search through thousands of listings to find exactly what you need. Easily list your used outdoor gear on YAK from any mobile device and reach thousands of shoppers instantly.

YAK for Buyers:
Outdoor gear can be costly. Spend less on gear and more on adventure! Save money by searching through YAK for your outdoor essentials. Browse your favorite activities and trusted Shacks, interact with other outdoor enthusiasts, and find the perfect gear for you next adventure.

YAK for Sellers:
Need to fund your next adventure? Need to upgrade your gear? Quickly and easily post your gently used outdoor gear and apparel on YAK from your mobile device and instantly reach buyers from all around the US who are looking to save money on great outdoor gear.

We are just getting started!
As we continue to undergo growing pains, we would love your feedback, the good, the bad, and the ugly. See something that doesn’t work? Let us know. See something that could work better? We want to hear it! We believe our users should be the greatest impact on how we operate and continue to improve, so let us know how we are doing.